Mason Mount Gambling Ad Banned in UK for Targeting Young People

The United Kingdom’s advertising regulatory body, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), recently conducted an inquiry into grievances regarding promotions displayed on Instagram on July 11th and 12th, 2023, by FreeBetsDotCom, a platform that contrasts wagering deals. The advertisements showcased Manchester United and England standout Mason Mount, who is viewed as an exemplar for youth.

Two objections were submitted contending that featuring Mount in a gambling promotion was imprudent, particularly given his age of 24. The ASA concurred. They reiterated to all stakeholders in the sector that wagering promotions should not prominently utilize individuals below the age of 25 unless it pertains to a highly specific category of wager placed directly with a bookmaker.

The ASA was especially troubled because FreeBetsDotCom, although not a betting enterprise itself, evidently incentivizes individuals to engage in gambling. Adding to the gravity of the situation, FreeBetsDotCom’s parent entity, XLMedia, failed to address the ASA’s inquiries concerning the advertisements. This absence of collaboration presents a significant concern and only exacerbates the matter.

A promotional piece for wagering activities, showcasing 24-year-old Mason Mount, has been deemed unacceptable in the United Kingdom. The regulatory body, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), determined that the advertisement, which heavily emphasized the youthful athlete, breached guidelines concerning the inclusion of individuals below the age of 25 in promotions for gambling.

The ASA considered the advertisement to be irresponsible and has consequently barred it from any future broadcasts in its present format. XLMedia, the organization responsible for the advertisement, has been directed to guarantee that forthcoming campaigns promoting gambling offerings do not prominently feature any individual under the age of 25. This occurrence has also been brought to the attention of the UK’s advertising regulatory authority for additional measures.


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