Australia Launches BetStop: A New Self-Exclusion Program for Online Gambling

Down Under is rolling out a fresh program called BetStop on August 21, 2023, designed to assist individuals in managing their wagering habits. Utilizing BetStop empowers anyone to restrict themselves from all authorized internet-based gaming sites within Australia. This self-imposed exclusion can be implemented for a minimum of three months or made indefinite.

The concept for BetStop has been circulating since 2018 but is finally coming to fruition. The Australian Communications and Media Authority will oversee BetStop, guaranteeing the service remains free of charge and safeguards everyone’s confidentiality.

Upon an individual’s enrollment in BetStop, all gaming providers are obligated to deactivate their accounts, refrain from accepting wagers from them, and cease sending them any promotional materials. To further enhance security measures, gaming platforms will also be required to authenticate a customer’s identity before they can place their initial wager.

The government is committed to ensuring BetStop’s effectiveness and is taking steps to mandate that all online gaming entities promote it across their websites, applications, and advertising campaigns.

Players in Australia hoping to block themselves from internet wagering can’t simply deactivate their accounts immediately. A three-month waiting period after enrollment in the program is mandatory. Additionally, participants must demonstrate consultation with a specialist regarding their choice.

This updated regulation follows Australia’s intensified efforts to regulate internet gambling, including a prohibition on utilizing credit cards for online betting transactions.


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